Inspired by the relaxing effects of certain types of music, Widex developed the Zen fractal tones. Based on what is known as fractal technology, Zen plays random, chime-like tones that can be used for relaxation and for making tinnitus less noticeable.
Zen fractal tone with low pitch, slow tempo, major tonality, and a restricted dynamic range.
Zen fractal tone with medium pitch, broad dynamic range, slow tempo, and a minor tonality.
Zen fractal tone with medium pitch, broad dynamic range, fast tempo, and a major tonality.
Zen fractal tone with medium pitch, restricted dynamic range, medium tempo, and a major tonality.
Zen fractal tone with medium pitch, broad dynamic range, fast tempo, and a major tonality.
A broadband noise stimulus to be used for tinnitus management with the aim of achieving habituation and reducing the bothersome nature of tinnitus.
The Zen tone program is available in Widex hearing aids.
Your hearing care professional can adjust each Zen tone according to your preferences in terms of pitch, tempo (speed), and volume – truly individualized for you!