Podcasts and hearing aids
Do you love talk radio, but wish that the hosts would talk less about themselves and more about what you want to hear? Maybe you are sick of the commercials or looking to hear about more specific topics. The solution is simple: turn off the radio and turn on a Podcast.
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Podcasts are radio shows made just for you. With more than one billion episodes on the iTunes store alone, there’s a podcast out there for every hobby, interest, and passion. Even better – you can stream them directly to your hearing aids and download new episodes automatically whenever they are available.
Sound interesting? Here’s more on how to listen.
What is a Podcast?
A podcast is a series of audio files for download. Some podcasts, like the famous Serial, are like television shows without the visuals. Others, like TED Talks Daily, are more like radio shows.
How do I listen to a Podcast with my hearing aids?
Podcasts are available for download online via iTunes, Google Play, Spotify and other music streaming services. Download a single episode or an entire series. You can set up a podcast to automatically download new episodes to your phone or computer.
If you have made-for-iPhone, listening to podcasts is simple. Widex BEYOND hearing aids have a free hearing aid app for download in Apple’s iTunes store or via Google Play. With the app, pairing your hearing aids to your phone can be done in six easy steps. Once your hearing aids are paired with your phone or another smart device, you will be able to stream podcasts directly to your hearing aids.
Assistive Listening Devices can also pair your hearing aids with your phone, tablet, or computer.
Are there any podcasts about hearing loss?
With more than 1 billion podcasts available for download on iTunes alone, there’s a podcast about anything: including hearing loss. Here are some of our favourites:
- NPR Health News: Stories about Hearing Loss – The United States public radio station has an exclusive channel for podcasts on hearing loss. Learn more about how the military is developing smart earplugs, how fish can help your hearing – and more.
- Twenty Thousand Hertz – Hear stories about the world’s most recognizable and exciting sounds with this fun series.
- Audiology Talk – Two audiologists created this monthly podcast for news, information, and education on hearing loss and the world of sound.
- Conversations in Tinnitus – The American Tinnitus Association created an online webinar series that focuses on current issues, research and treatment methods for people living with tinnitus.
- FuturEar - directed towards professionals in the industry and talking about how the industry is changing.
- The HearingTracker - Host Steven Taddei, AuD interviews movers and shakers from the hearing aid industry and beyond
Talk with your local hearing care professional to learn more about hearing aids that stream podcasts, music, and phone conversations directly to your ears.