Why sharing our hearing aid setting will help
A new approach to hearing care gives you both better support and hearing care that’s tailored to your specific hearing needs.
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A new solution helps you share the sound improvements you make on your phone directly with your hearing care professional. That means you have to do almost nothing - except give your consent once.
How does it work?
If you have a hearing aid that lets you personalize your hearing in the moment through an app on your phone, you're in luck. Because it's these personal adjustments you make that make all the difference. With the new technology and the personalization app, you can automatically share information about every sound adjustment you make to improve your hearing with your hearing care professional.
Data is securely shared between the app on your phone and your hearing care professional's fitting software, and you can easily give or decline consent to sharing your data and change your mind at any time.
And the next time you're in the clinic, they can give you more tailored counselling based on the changes they can see you've made to your sound in your daily life. Because the person you trust the most with your hearing has now learned even more about how you'd like to hear when you're out in the real world. That gives them a better foundation for helping you meet your hearing needs.